The course of health resort treatment of diseases of the genital organs allows you to eliminate the main symptoms of the pathology and achieve long-term stable remission. Therapeutic mud, local climate together with other medical procedures are the best and time-tested methods of treating inflammatory processes and restoring reproductive function.

According to medical statistics, the number of diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems of men and women is increasing year by year. Such a negative trend is associated with the features of the modern lifestyle of people of reproductive age, such as:

  • Poor environmental conditions especially in large cities
  • Constant stress, nervous overload
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Bad habits
  • Lack of time to consult a doctor at the first symptoms
  • Weakened immune system


Inflammatory diseases can be one of the main causes of infertility in the absence of timely treatment. In addition, such pathologies significantly reduce the quality of life and negatively affect harmony in the family. Drug treatments cannot always completely solve the problem, special treatment programs are needed to achieve a stable result.


Effective methods of restoring and maintaining the health of men and women have been widely used at Vanadzor “Armenia” health resort for many years. They are based on the use of natural factors combined with physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, massage and many other traditional and innovative methods. The entire process is coordinated by highly specialized and experienced medical staff.



Vanadzor “Armenia” health resort treats a wide range of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system, which are:


  • Inflammation of the prostate gland
  • Chronic urethritis
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Problems with semen quality
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
  • Disorders in the fallopian tubes
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Heavy menopause
  • Endometritis, Salpingo-Oophoritis, many other diseases of male and female reproductive organs

After check-in, the Guest undergoes a medical examination (if necessary, deep examination must be performed). It allows to clarify the current diagnosis, identify the presence of concomitant diseases and choose an individual treatment plan.

Treatments are contraindicated in the stage of exacerbation of inflammatory processes; in the presence of cancer, during other health problems.


Expected impact of the program:

  • Elimination of inflammatory phenomena
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Restoration of erectile and reproductive function
  • Improving seed quality
  • Fast recovery of the postoperative period
  • Increase in general body tone
  • Reducing the risk of kidney and urinary stones

The treatment program helps to improve the emotional state, gives vitality and good mood, relieves depression, stress, helps to improve the psychological atmosphere in the family.


General description of the treatment program


The special feature of the medical programs for the recovery of men’s and women’s health in Vanadzor “Armenia” health resort is the active use of unique local peat. General and local applications of peat help reduce inflammatory processes and pain, improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation.


In addition to mud therapy, the course of therapy necessarily includes treatments using local curing mineral water. The water is used both for drinking purposes and for bath. The unique composition of water improves the functions of the nervous system, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.


Baths with mineral water are pleasant and at the same time useful treatments for well-being. Various types of balneological procedures are prescribed to restore reproductive function and relieve inflammatory processes (bathtubs with hydromassage or 4-chamber baths, underwater shower-massage, contrast, Charcot, circular, upward showers).


To improve reproductive function, physical activity is necessary, so patients are prescribed a mandatory course of physical exercises according to a general or individual program.


A device therapy course is a must for men and women. Magnetotherapy, laser and ultrasound therapies, electrophoresis, which improve blood circulation, relieve spasms, speed up metabolism and increase the general tone of the body.


The program includes:

Treatment program Number of procedures in 10 days Number of procedures in 14 days
Examination and consultation by the doctor of the health resort 2 3
Mud therapy / local applications (if there are no contraindications) 4 6
Mineral water baths (hydromassage or 4-chamber baths, showers: Charcot, circular) 4 6
Device physiotherapy: electrophoresis, SMH (amplipulse), DDT (duodenamotherapy), ultrasound, UHF (ultra high frequency) therapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization 12 18
Intake of “Lori” mineral water by drinking every day every day
Halotherapy (salt room) 4 6
Physical therapy, gym 4 6
Therapeutic Massage 2 3
Therapeutic swimming with mineral water (20 minutes) 4 6


  • The program is mainly designed for persons aged from 18 to 65.
  • The program can be adjusted by the health resort doctor, taking into account the health condition of the Guest.
  • Rooms are available with either twin or one queen bed. An extra charge of 30% of the price of the package will be applied in case when the Guest stays alone in the room.